The Whips Board of Directors are a group of dedicated individuals who not only support our club but roll up their sleeves and get to work doing all the necessary background work to make this club successful.

Sandra Hebert
An avid equestrian, I grew up on a small farm in Michigan with four Quarter Horses and two Belgians. I began riding at the age of six and completed my first Shore-to-Shore trail ride across the state when I was twelve. My interest in driving began at fourteen when I learned to drive a pair of Belgian drafts (Chip and Dale) and later started carriage driving our Buckskin Quarter Horse – Lucky.
My journey with the Florida Whips began when I attended the Metta Baxter Driving Clinic in 2015. Since then, I have become increasingly involved with the group – first by serving as the Membership Coordinator and later by creating and distributing the annual calendar and events listing. This experience allowed me to see firsthand the potential impact the Florida Whips and its members can have on the sport of driving.
I believe the future success of driving depends on the efforts of local - grassroots organizations. The interests and motivations of our membership are diverse – and that diversity is our strength. As President, I am dedicated to engaging each of our members to find their own unique way to contribute to the success of our club – thereby securing the future of every aspect of driving. Whether your equine is a horse or a mule…. a draft, VSE, or anything in between…. Whether you enjoy the thrill of combined driving, the elegance of pleasure driving, or the joy of a recreational drive with friends…. now’s the time to Harness YOUR Drive.

Paul Van Sickle’s passion for driving began in 2013 when he and his Friesian mare Sasha both learned to drive. Today, Paul and his wife/groom Glenda drive their team of Friesians and PRE grays in Pleasure Shows and Combined Driving Events however, their most enjoyable is simply driving/riding the trails on the farm. With the help of great trainers Paul has won many Championships, his favorite event Carriage Dog with Elmo and shown twice at the Royal Windsor Horse Show. Paul is the founder of the ADS Tickety Boo Tandem Club and sponsor of three ADS shows annually: The Veterans Day Classic Fundraiser, Tickety Boo Farm Classic and the annual New Year’s Eve Drive. Paul is also a Board Member for the Four in Hand Club. His goal as Vice President is to continue to advocate, sponsor and promote the sport of carriage driving through education, outreach and organized events. Paul is a retired U.S. Air Force Veteran and Airline Captain turned Farmer.

Kristal Ray
I embarked on my journey into the world of driving only two years ago, attending my first Meta Baxter driving clinic where I discovered a deep passion for the sport. Since then, I have immersed myself in improving my driving knowledge and skills, while making some wonderful new friends along the way. I am the proud owner of three remarkable horses currently in training to drive: Little Bit of Magic, our little redhead affectionately known as "Bit Bit"; Faith, a sweet Norwegian Fjord; and Mia's Magic Moon, lovingly nicknamed "Moo Moo" for her distinctive black and white coloring. Each horse represents a unique facet of my driving journey and I am committed to both my own development and theirs, striving for success in the sport while having fun with friends in the driving community.
I’m a recent full time resident in Florida this year after being a snow bird for 9 Winters. I’ve been horse crazy my whole life, riding hunters, jumpers, & eventing horses for 35 years before buying a Miniature horse for my Granddaughter and discovering driving. I went from riding a thoroughbred to driving a mini and found I was having more fun driving. I lucked out with several wonderful driving minis, discovered Pleasure shows and then, Combined Driving. I currently have a small pony I will be showing Intermediate Level this year.

Northern Region Director
Janet Crumpton
Bio coming soon!

Southeast Region Director
Pat Picornell (Acting)
Bio coming soon!

Membership Director
Gail Thomas
Gail is a retired pediatric Physical Therapist in Ocala, Florida. A native of northeast Kansas, Gail received her undergraduate and doctorate degrees from University of Kansas. She is married to Jim Thomas a retired 30-year Army veteran. They currently live in Ocala, FL with their three dogs and two Dartmoor ponies. Gail and Jim have 3 children and 8 grandchildren. Gail began showing horses when her daughters became active in their local 4-H club. Gail also serves as a member of the ADS membership and Nominating committees. She volunteers for several organizations including the University of Florida Master Gardener Volunteers and The Outreach Program at the Ocala First United Methodist Church.

Veronica Close has owned horses since the early ‘70’s, and has competed in Hunter-Jumper, Dressage and 3-Day Eventing at the lower levels. She has recently retired as a city planning administrator, and has taken up the sport of carriage driving. She and her young Shetland Pony Flash, seen here with his buddy Dudley eating the same blade of grass, are just beginning, and look forward to participating in future Whips events.