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Putting on an event?  GREAT!  Below are the forms and guidelines you'll need to organize and conduct and event.

Organizing an Event...


  • Event organizers must be Florida Whips members in good standing and the proposed event must fit the educational and safety mission of the Club. 

  • Events are approved at the regional level first, usually at the regional planning meeting (May/June), or by email vote to region members if after the planning meeting. 

  • Once approved at the regional level, the Regional Director will request the event be approved by the Board of Directors at the Annual Planning Meeting (early August) and placed on the Event Calendar.  The Event Calendar runs from October 1 - September 30 of the following year.

  • Once approved, the Organizer completes the Event Submission Form either electronically, by email, or by mail, to the Secretary and to the Vice President no later than August 25th. 

  • Approved events are all forwarded by the Secretary to the insurance company for inclusion on our policy no later than September 1 of each year.  Insurance coverage is mandatory. Incomplete Event Submission forms will not be processed.

  • If advance funds are needed from the State or Region to fund the event, Organizers can request funds from the Treasurer using the State Request Form or the Regional Request Form.  Funds requested must be approved by the Board if from State funds, or the Regional Director if Region funds are to be used.

  • Most events will require a budget showing how costs/revenues will be used and/or shared.  See Income and Expense Form (Excel spreadsheet) or Income Form and Expense Form (handwritten forms).

  • Events planned or changed after September 1 must be approved by the Region and will incur insurance change costs and will be billed to the Region, but will be reimbursed by the Organizer. 


       Forms are listed below...

Conducting an Event...


  • The Florida Whips Event Flyer and Information Form outlines general rules and information that should be provided to your competitors. 

  • Event Flyers should be sent to the Newsletter Editor and the Webmaster two months prior to the event. 

  • The Florida Whips Standard Entry Form can be used for any type of Whips Event.

  • All event Flyers must contain the policy statement "Alcohol consumption is not permitted during Florida Whips Events" for insurance coverage purposes. 

  • Secretary shall forward certificates of insurance to Organizers one month prior to the event, and should be checked by the Organizer for accuracy.

  • Non-members who compete with equines must be charged a $15 non-member fee, which $15 can be applied to a membership.  (Forms should be available at the event).  Fees for non-member auditors without equines are at the discretion of the Organizer.

  • All event participants, including Organizers, grooms, helpers, clinicians, and volunteers, must fill out a Liability Release Form.

  • Within two weeks after the event, Organizers shall send checks and check requests, along with the Income and Expense Form (either Excel spreadsheet or handwritten form) to the Treasurer. You can email for the address.

  • Organizer should send an event article and photos to the Newsletter editor and the webmaster for the photo gallery.

  • Organizer sends completed Liability Release forms to Regional Director within 30 days after the event. Regional Director holds forms for one year. 


       Forms are listed below...

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